Monday, December 18, 2017

Who are The Traveling Ninjas?

We are the Traveling Ninjas! As a newlywed couple, we want to explore the world together and share as many as experiences as possible.  Between us, we have experience on three continents and 32 states. Traveling is something we love to do and as we aren't independently wealthy, we use all the tips, the points, rewards and miles that we can to get all the vacations possible for next to nothing.

It's not as difficult as many people think to travel on a budget. We have both traveled domestically and internationally without spending above our means and we are planning big trips for the near future as well. With a lot of planning and some careful shopping, you can do the same. Don't let the word "budget" scare you. We are thrifty but we make the most of our vacations and we don't skimp on experiences to save money. We never feel deprived! From cruises, to flights, to hotels, and even camping, we have ideas, tips and advice for any vacation you can imagine.

We also want to share what we have learned from our previous traveling experiences abroad. Having been there before, we will tell you how to navigate trains, planes and automobiles, even if you have to drive on the other side of the road. There are subtle differences that can confuse newcomers to any location so we will help you navigate.